Jamiat-ul-Imam Muhammad Zakaria

Also known as, or co-located with: Islamic University, Jaamiatul Imaam Muhammad Zakaria Muhajir Madani

Off Pasture Lane. Capacity 200 is a guess.

Thornton View Road, Clayton, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD14 6JX
Borough: Bradford
Ward: Clayton and Fairweather Green
Constituency: Bradford West

Phone: 01274 815522, 01274 882007, Fax: 01274 883696

Capacity: 200 (including women)
The five times daily salaah in public, in congregation, in the masjid, is enjoined on men, not on women. In orthodox Islam, women's salaah is expected to be discreet and private and therefore performed at home. About 72% of UK masjids make some provision for women, but many of these do so by allocating space only when specially asked for. Larger purpose-built masjids often have a gallery over the main masjid room, part or all of which is for women's use. (Excerpt from our book, Islam and Muslims in Britain - A Guide.)

Theme: Deobandi
Deobandi: Influenced by Deoband Madrassah and Tablighi Jama'at. Deobandis are divided about the importance of Sufism and generally play it down, so we have used 'Sufi' only for those places that are keen to promote Tassawuf

Masjid Theme is a contentious topic. Factionalism and sectarianism around mosques/masjids is widely recognised but treated by most masjid managements as a taboo subject, because every masjid will proclaim that it welcomes anyone of any persuasion, and this is manifestly true. Nevertheless, however welcome you are made to feel, every masjid will expect you to adhere to the practice that prevails in that masjid, and will treat you with hostility if you try and perform any other Islamic practice than that approved by the imam and committee even while claiming that their masjid is for the whole Muslim community and has no allegiance to any particular sect.
Sectarianism is the biggest problem facing Muslims in Britain, yet it is the one that few masjids acknowledge as their own, and none has a constructive strategy for tackling it. Yet its prevalence is the single biggest obstacle to tackling violent extremism in Britain's Muslim community.
There are three vital ingredients to tackling militant extremism in UK masjids:
(i) Masjid managements and imams must be transparent, accountable and inclusive of diverse factions.
(ii) This cannot happen while they and their congregations remain sectarian, because opening up of access to masjids and their management risks take-over by a rival, hostile sect. Therefore Masjid management, imams and congregations must learn tolerance and mutual respect of diverse sects among themselves.
(iii) Tolerance and mutual respect cannot occur while politicians and the media demonise ordinary, responsible and respectable sects such as Deobandis, Islamic Movement, and Salafis, or even politically challenging, but nevertheless tame, entities such as Hizb-ut-Tahrir.

MuslimsInBritain.org exists to address all three of these issues:-
(i) I publish 'Theme' and 'Management' ethnicity information even when masjid managements themselves object, because I need to break the pretend taboo and bring the issue into the open.
(ii) I publish information about sectarian activity and guidance on how to overcome it, to encourage tolerance and mutual respect.
(iii) I publish MuslimsInBritain.org as the authoritative source of independent practical information about the UK Muslim community, to take apart government, politicians' and media misconceptions about extremist preachers and extremist masjids.

Further reading
Management: Gujerati
It would be Islamically immoral to label masaajid as 'belonging' to a given ethnicity, yet this is the reality of most masaajid. Many were set up as centres for a particular community and it is important for that community to have somewhere where events, speeches and madressah teaching are in the mother-tongue. However it would be useful to have an 'ethnicity index', in which a masjid scores 1 for each committee member of a different ethnicity. Meanwhile we have highlighted masjid monoculture by naming the management's dominant ethnicity.

Further reading from our book, Islam and Muslims in Britain - A Guide: Mosque Organisation


You may find problems with Google map and StreetView features, because free usage is now capped to a maximum each day.

Google Maps and StreetView Features

You may find problems with some map and StreetView features. This is because since summer 2018, Google has introduced charges per use of some aspects of Google Maps and Streetview embedded in applications such as MuslimsInBritain.org's directory. These charges would cost us circa 10 pounds per day for the level of use that this site sustains, but we run MuslimsInBritain.org for free. To stay free, we have applied a daily usage cap, which, when exhausted, will render the pop-up Google map greyed and and Streetview as a 'negative'. The map is still usable, just a bit hard to read. Either wait until the next morning when the cap resets at 8am, or click on the Google logo, to open a new Google Maps window of the same scene but without the MuslimsInBritain logo. Or if using the 'desktop' view instead of the 'mobile' view, you can use the Microsoft Bing map, aerial view and its other options, which is unaffected by the Google change. Meanwhile we are working on improvements to avoid this problem insha'Allah.

Charity information, view: Charity Commission Report for Registration Number 1012357
This automated link opens the Charity Commission's or Scottish Charity Commission's web site report for this masjid.
(a) Not all masjids are, or need to be, charities, including those with turnover under 5,000 pounds per annum.
(b) Some masjids have more than one associated charity, but only one is linked here.
(c) The circumstances of the charity do not necessarily reflect the circumstances of the masjid or disputes over title.
(d) The link and the reference number it uses, may not be the current applicable charity.
(e) The England & Wales Charity Commission has changed the way it identifies organisations with the result that the link will only work correctly for the MiB.org records that have been updated with the new CC identifier.
Premises was formerly: Country estate
Most masjids are former terraced houses or commercial premises. A small number are former derelict churches. Since the issues of architectural styles and renovation of churches as masjids has become controversial, this website maintains statistics on the provenance of masjid sites.

Data Accuracy:
Good (B): Well known masjid with plenty of corroborating information to support our data.
Some of our address lists date back to the late 1970s and for some of those, even the street no longer exists! So we have started to include a Confidence indicator. This is rated A to F, with roughly the following meanings.

 Last Updated: 22/05/2019

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